
Grease offers a range of services that lead to profitable sales growth. We acknowledge a continuum from Strategy to Business Plans to Organization Effectiveness to Sales Execution. We infer the following causality: Business Strategy + Business Execution Planning + Organization Effectiveness + Sales Execution = Value Creation. Where to start? Grease starts with the Grease® Value Creation Gearbox, which identifies the four essential Value Creation gears that must mesh seamlessly to create value. 

But what about friction among the gears? Grease starts with what we call a Friction Audit, which shines a light on how well your company’s four Value Creation gears are turning and provides insights on management practice remedies.

Organizations can only go as fast as the slowest gear. If one gear is stuck, none of the gears move. The Value Creation gear stops creating value. Solution: grease the gears.

Grease® Value Creation Gearbox

Grease® Value Creation Gearbox

From our clients:

The Grease Value Proposition is that value creation is a function of the seamless meshing of four “gears:” strategy, business execution planning, internal effectiveness, and sales execution. Grease conducts a “Friction Audit” to identify and remedy where the value creation system is breaking down.

Dave Dullum
President, Gladstone Investment Corporation

Grease Consulting understands how to find what is not working – what is constraining success. The Grease Gearbox recognizes that all the analyses and initiatives we might launch will not overcome the “gear” that limits (or constrains) performance. By spotting this quickly, Grease focuses its remedial efforts on the weak links, reducing the gear friction. The result is speed, higher revenues, lower costs, and lasting improvement…

Terry L. Brubaker
Vice Chairman & COO, The Gladstone Companies